Opposite Income tax Office, Navanagar Hubli-580025
0836-2223848 (office)

About of our School

Classes run under school
Nursery | LKG |UKG |1st STD to 10th STD
Syllabus followed
State Board syllabus
No of students per classroom
40 students per class room
Extra curriculum
karate , Dance, Yoga, Skating
Residential Facility Available

Welcome to Our School

A school is not just a building made of cement and bricks but is actually the place where children grow into mature individuals. A school is a home away from home where we discover ourselves and are guided onto the right path.

Joining our School has indeed impacted student life in a positive manner. A school does not just give knowledge, but educates student on the wisdom to apply the knowledge appropriately. Our school has helped student realise what they are passionate about and teachers have always given the excellent advice. The best feature of our school is that it values the opinion of each and every student. Student benefit is given utmost priority.

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What We Offer

Safety First

Regular Classes

Certified Teachers

Sufficient Classrooms

Maintained Hygenic

Sports Facilities