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About Us

About us


A college is not just a building made of cement and bricks but is actually the place where children grow into mature individuals. A college is a home away from home where we discover ourselves and are guided onto the right path.

Joining our college has indeed impacted student life in a positive manner. A college does not just give knowledge, but educates student on the wisdom to apply the knowledge appropriately. Our college has helped student realise what they are passionate about and teachers have always given the excellent advice. The best feature of our college is that it values the opinion of each and every student. Student benefit is given utmost priority.



Why Choose us

7 steps students performance maintained to overall development of the students.


Our Mission

To provide every opportunity to students to develop intellectually physically and culturally To utilize the latest facility to prepare the students to face challenges of their carrier


Our vision

To improve value based education to the students to prepare them to handle their responsibilities To guide the students in realizing and enhancing their innate potential to shape their own destinies.